Shinkai Karokhail — member of Afghan parliament since 2006

Mrs. Shinkai Karokhail was born in Kabul, in Afghanistan, where she serves today as a Parliamentarian in the
National Assembly. She has a Diploma in English from the National Institute of Modern Languages of Islamabad,
Pakistan. She also studied to become a Medical Doctor from the Medical College of the Kabul University between
1979 and 1984, and is currently studying political science.

Mrs. Karokhail was one of the founding members of the Afghan Women Educational Center ( in 1991,
where she acted as a teacher in the first years, holding various positions as program coordinator or communication
officer throughout the development of the NGO. She was also involved in other social work activities with other NGOs
in Afghanistan. Since 2002 she has been an acting director of the AWEC, where she is responsible for programs
development and management.

In 2005, she was elected as a Parliamentarian in the National Assembly of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan,
where she works towards conflict prevention and promotes women’s rights.

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